Mailgate Products and Companion Products
Click on a product below for more information.
MailGate Server -
A fully functional mail server and proxy gateway server, providing full Internet access for all your LAN through a single connection.
MailGate Modules -
Software extensions, integrating to MailGate the functionality of virus scanning, advanced mail management, anti-spam, list server, etc.
Available for V3.3 and above.
POPWeasel -
A simple to use command line utility to add POP3 mail collection to SMTP mail servers like Lotus Notes/Domino and MS Exchange.
SpamWeasel Pro -
A powerful FREE spam mail filter application to add to your POP3 e-mail client software.
Companion Products
OpenHand Wireless
- mobilises your business information, email, calendar, contacts, tasks and shared files to almost any mobile device from anywhere in the world.
Aladesc for Business Users
- is the complete answer to managing your office resources. Gives you a totally fresh outlook.
Aladesc for Home Users
- inexpensive groupware for home users. Available in Family Pack and Personal versions.
