- MailGate
- MailGate Modules
- POPWeasel
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POPWeasel Features

Expand the abilities of your SMTP mail server...
Collect mail from multiple POP accounts.
Pass mail on to SMTP enabled servers like Lotus Notes/Domino and
MS Exchange/Exchange 2000.
Command line driven for simple system integration.
Easy to configure with our setup application.
Powerful and flexible mail routing process.
Extensive logging capabilities to assist with problem solving.
Superb administration utility allows rapid diagnostics.


Mail Handling
A simple to use command line utility to add POP3 mail collection to most SMTP mail servers.
Easy to configure with multiple POP accounts to collect from, once started the POPWeasel collects mail from each account, reads the mail headers and routes the mail to your mail server for distribution to your users.
With a flexible and powerful diagnostic tool allowing real-time viewing of the comprehensive log files with optional filtering, real-time monitoring and troubleshooting the mail collection process is made easy.

POPWeasel is a single product and has no user limitations.

Using MailGate for POP collection
If you want more control over mail handling than POPWeasel's simple collection service offers, you should consider the MailGate product used in LAN Forward mode. This adds many features including:
  • Powerful collection scheduler (for dialup or Broadband/routed connections)
  • Security options
  • Powerful modules including spam filtering and anti-virus protection
  • Built in proxy server
Only the five user MailGate software is required - regardless of how many POP3 mailboxes you collect from. MailGate is available either as a Starter or a Corporate product (which includes modules).

See the FAQ on using MailGate with Microsoft Exchange.

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